Decipher biological tests and facilitate the prescription of additional tests.
Deliver instant intelligent analysis and suggest diagnoses to doctors.
Intelligent analysis generated at the click of a button
With a single e-mail, the AI analysis is triggered and made available in the doctor’s area in just a few minutes.
Diagnostic recommendation
for the doctor
The healthcare professional receives a summary of the analysis, as well as detailed diagnostic suggestions.
Additional analysis on the same sample
The practitioner can send the additional analysis prescription to the laboratory directly from his or her space.
Deepia facilitates patient care and communication between healthcare professionals and laboratories.
Improve the efficiency of biological analyses
Artificial Intelligence and data models enable the laboratory to offer advanced and highly accurate analysis to healthcare professionals and patients.
Reduce healthcare costs
By detecting certain anomalies at an early stage, it is possible to carry out additional analyses without the need for further sampling.
Speed up diagnosis and management
By delivering an instant, more precise analysis, potential pathologies are detected earlier and the patient’s pathway optimized.
Detect and decipher biological anomalies
to better guide your patient.
We facilitate communication between laboratories and healthcare professionals to better support patients.
Detection and decryption of biological anomalies.
Additional tests on tubes already collected.
Télé-consultation / Télé-expertise and associated refund.
Recommendation to physician of additional tests.
Télétransmission au DMP (Dossier médical partagé)
They support us
Our partners
Data security is at the heart of our solutions.
We process sensitive and private data, and take particular care to ensure their security and confidentiality. We comply with current standards and with the General Data Protection Regulation.
We are developing algorithms that detect more than 50 biological anomalies.
Thanks to precise data models and the addition of artificial intelligence, we guide healthcare professionals in their diagnoses.